Black Pepper Heath Benefits: The King of Spices

Black Pepper Heath Benefits: The King of Spices

This spice contains active compounds with powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and digestive properties.

The Different Types of Magnesium and Their Health Benefits

The Different Types of Magnesium and Their Health Benefits

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. From supporting muscle and nerve function to regulating blood pressure and synthesizing proteins, magnesium is necessary for maintaining overall health. However, not all magnesium supplements are the 

10 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Peppermint

10 Unbelievable Health Benefits of Peppermint

Peppermint has many incredible health benefits that can help you live a healthier, happier life, not to mention its soothing aroma that helps to promote a feeling of overall health and well-being. Peppermint, which belongs to the mint family of plants, has been used as 

What is TRX Suspension Training and Why You Should Be Doing It?

What is TRX Suspension Training and Why You Should Be Doing It?

TRX Suspension Training has become very popular in the past couple of years, thanks to its effectiveness as a tool to help increase your strength and build muscle mass. But what is TRX? To understand what it does, let’s take a look at its name 

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Collagen

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Collagen

What exactly is collagen? In short, it’s a protein that promotes healthy skin, strong bones, and hair growth by providing the body with essential amino acids. Collagen also has its own health benefits, including the ability to heal burns and wounds faster than other treatments. 

Massive Nestlé Recall

Massive Nestlé Recall

On March 10th, Global Food Giant Nestlé USA issued a voluntary recall of several of their products due to the potential presence of glass pieces! Just another reason to make your own food. See the list below for the products being recalled. DiGiorno Thin & Crispy 

Our Review of Dr. Mercola Silver Solution – Colloidal Silver

Our Review of Dr. Mercola Silver Solution – Colloidal Silver

Since diving into natural living there have been a lot of things for us to learn about. Colloidal Silver is one of them. I remember several years ago being sick and a friend giving me some colloidal silver. I had no idea what it was 

Six Actions You Can Implement To Take Control Of Your Health

Six Actions You Can Implement To Take Control Of Your Health

The first step in solving a problem is recognizing that there is one! Most people understand that this our healthcare system is broken. People are getting sicker and sicker despite their medications, doctors are being paid off by the pharmaceutical companies, governments are mandating mandatory 

Common Sense, Education, and Essential Oils eBook

Common Sense, Education, and Essential Oils eBook

Essential Oils are becoming more & more mainstream everyday. People everywhere are turning to essential oils as a natural way to support the body, for household cleaning, for emotional support, and for so much more. As the popularity of essential oils has grown, people often wonder 

DIY Foot Scrub

DIY Foot Scrub

Treating yourself to a nice foot massage is an easy way to pamper yourself at home. This foot scrub recipe is very easy to make. Not only is it exfoliating but it’s also moisturizing. The coconut oil in it is perfect for keeping your feet